
We upskill your workforce with knowledge about sustainability

Find learning aligned with your company's CSRD strategy and job roles
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Guided Learning Paths

Learnsy designs personalized dynamic learning paths for employees, aligned with your company's sustainability goals.

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Global Learning Offerings

A platform offering up-to-date learning opportunities that address environmental, social, and governance (ESG) themes.

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Transparent Progress Reporting

The ability to track your company's progress toward sustainability goals, support decision-making, and guide employees along their learning paths.

We Bridge ESG Strategy and Workforce Development

Learnsy is a B2B SaaS platform that helps businesses meet their ESG goals by upskilling their workforce with sustainability knowledge. We leverage our customers’ ESG strategy goals, connect them with their employees’ job profiles, and integrate this data with Learnsy’s learning offerings, so that employees are recommended with relevant learning opportunities that support your organization’s ESG strategy and comply with the CSRD-directive. View pricing.

Learnsy system in a nutshell
Join the pilot program

Is your company ready to discover knowledge that drives impact?

We are looking for up to six companies to join a pilot project focused on enhancing sustainability skills and competencies in line with their strategies. Over a three-month period, we will discover your organization's sustainability strategy, key job roles, and the necessary sustainability and corporate responsibility skills. As an outcome your company gets  customized learning journeys for the job roles defined in the pilot.

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Learning offerings

Education and Training Providers

Learnsy is the only global platform for sustainability learning. We consistently update our learning offering selection with free and paid MOOC's, courses, webinars and events from private and public sector education providers from around the world. Apply to collaborate with us to showcase your organization’s sustainability learning offerings for FREE in Learnsy's catalog – Click below!
Learnsy corporate group in a class

Learning in Collaboration With:

With Learnsy we want to show employees that what they learn is actually taking them somewhere. And not just employees but the organizations they represent and even the whole society.

Learnsy at Helsinki Education Hub II

About Learnsy

Learnsy was incubated in spring 2022 at the Helsinki City Education Hub’s Incubator program. Every since we have taken the idea further by accelerating progress at the Tech Nordic Advocates Mentor program in 2023, and by developing and testing a prototype of the service in collaboration with Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences.

Let's go!

Start Your Learning Journey

Explore our learning catalogue of free and paid, face-to-face (F2F), online or hybrid courses, events, MOOCs, and webinars. We include learning offerings from organizations with up to date knowledge in corporate responsibility and sustainability.
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