
Bridging skills gap for sustainable future

Learnsy is a B2B platform for sustainable learning dedicated promoting learning that makes positive impact on companies sustainability goals. In our quest for a sustainable future, the role of organizations is paramount. By merging sustainability with continuous learning, organizations can become architects of a sustainable future.

According to FIBS-Finish Business & Society “Sustainability in Finland” -report companies skills gap on sustainability is a bottleneck for the future. Only 6% of respondents assessed the adequacy of the company's competences in relation to the company's sustainability objectives. 

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Meet the team

We're a dedicated team committed to fostering sustainable development and democratizing sustainability education. Our diverse backgrounds includes expertise in:

  • Corporate learning
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Business development and corporate governance
  • Design
  • Marketing & branding
  • Software development and digital sustainability

Our roadmap

1. Learning offerings
At first, we gather and curate learning offerings about sustainability on Learnsy, ensuring that people worldwide have access to sustainability education regardless of their location.
2. Learning-paths
Second by utilizing algorithms and AI we will customize learning paths that are aligned with employees job roles, interests, and customer organizations ESG-goals.
3. Monitor & share
Third we will provide customers organizations  with data upon training and ESG-goals to back up their decision making and ESG-reporting.

Interested to join?

We are actively seeking education providers, potential corporate customers and angel investors who share an interest in sustainability and education to support our growth and development.